Charting Vocal Range
I can determine my vocal range by listening to my voice match pitches. I can identify and classify vocal range.
Lesson Objective:SWBAT: Chart vocal ranges of themselves and others. SWBAT: Identify and classify vocal range.
Essential Skill to be mastered: Analyze, Critique, and Graph- the aural range of vocal music production to the staff. After graphing the student will analyze the range and determine his or her voice type. They will also determine the voice type of those within their small group and determine patterns in music.
IPI level:Teacher-led instruction, Student Active Engaged Learning
Teaching Strategy Utilized: Day 1-Discuss the definition of range and have students match pitch with piano. Day 2-Match pitch on piano and mark range on chart as a large group. Day 3-Match pitch on piano and experiment with larger ranges than are found on the chart and add notes. Day 4-Within a small groups come to the small piano to check range and teacher assesses work. Small groups will determine range and discuss overlapping notes and finalize decisions.What do you notice about your vocal range? Do you notice any patterns in the ranges of your group members? Who has the smallest vocal range? Who has the largest vocal range? How does each member's range compare with the ranges for baritones, tenors, altos, and sopranos? Do they overlap different parts?
Singing Activity: Students will sing "America" in three keys and determine which key is best for their range.
Assessment: Students will sing "America" by themselves or in a small group and will state which range is best for their voice before beginning the evaluation. The teacher will determine if they were correct.
Rigor or Level reached on Bloom’s Taxonomy: Analysis, Evaluation, Comprehension
Written Assessments:
Written Assessments:
If you could be any voice type what would it be? Why? Who do you most admire that sings this voice type?
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