Saturday, March 16, 2013

03/14/13-04/03/13-Viva La Vida

"Viva La Vida"

Lesson Objective: SWBAT sing in three independent parts with an additional descant part at the end of the piece. SWBAT perform pop style music. SWBAT will be able to discuss and determine repetition that occurs in the music as it relates to form. SWBAT to determine where unison and harmony occur in the song in their individual part and the three parts of the choir as a whole.

Essential skill to be mastered: Students will be able to sing a pop song in three part harmony. Students will be able to determine and perform unison and three part harmony that occurs in the song. Students will be able to discuss and determine repetition that occurs in the song as it relates to form.

I can statement: I can sing, identify, and perform unison and harmony. I can discuss and determine repetition that occurs in music. I can discuss and determine basic types of form.

IPI Level-Teacher led instruction, Student Active Engagement

Teaching Strategy Utilized: Day 1: Sightread-Scan for Soprano, Alto, Tenor, and Descant parts. Review the basic elements of sightreading such as tempo, time signature, etc. Scan and determine unison and harmony parts and where they occur. Have students say aloud the measure numbers. Sing getting as many correct notes as possible. Day 2: Look for repetition that occurs in the song and discuss. Say aloud the measure number and have students point to it in the music. Day 3: Rehearse unison and harmony parts and solidify. Day 4: Discuss basic types of form such as AB, ABA, and Theme and Variations. Determine songs they use these forms that students may have sung before. Day 5: Have students create a chart that uses shapes or figures that represent the basic types of form. Use partners to create the chart and present to the class. Day 6: Focus on the overall sound of the choir. What can be improved? What are we doing well? Day 7: Singing test-Small groups mm 37-57 listening for correct 3 part harmony. Day 8: Review the structure of the song and how to memorize music using form. Day 9: Record the song and play back for students to evaluate. Day 10: Polish expressive elements of the song and sing as if for an audience.

Rigor or Level reached on Bloom's Taxonomy: Application, Evaluation

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