Wednesday, November 6, 2013

10/21/13-11/22/13 - "Put a Little Love in Your Heart"

Writer's Style: Sound Devices of Alliteration and Consonance in Music

National Standards MU5 and MU1
ShowMe Standards FA2 and FA1
Music Standards EM1D and PP1B7-8
MOELL Standard 1D
NTESOL Standard 2 Goal 1 

Content Objectives:
 SWBAT to identify and analyze alliteration and consonance used in music lyrics. SWBAT to identify alliteration and consonance used within the song text of "Put a Little Love in Your Heart" and perform using expressive markings such as an accent, dynamics, or  variations of tempo using vocal elements that communicate these interpretations.

Language Objectives:
SWBAT identify and analyze alliteration and consonance by reading and singing
the song lyrics. (Reading and Speaking)
SWBAT scan the text of the song while listening to the oral example provided by 
the teacher and the recording. (Listening)
SWBAT write an alliteration phrase.(Writing)
SWBAT work in small groups to formulate and confirm the alliteration with a peer. 
(Speaking and Listening)

Key Vocabulary
Alliteration-the repetition of consonant sound or letter at the beginning of words such as "Say to them, say to the down-keepers, the sun-slappers" also as in "When the wind whispers"
Consonance-the repetition of consonant sounds  within and at the end of words, Consonance is unlike rhyme in that the vowel sounds preceding or following the repeated consonant sounds differ as in "lonely afternoon" or "Write a great paper by the due date" "blank and think" "strong and string"
Sound Devices-ways of using words for the sound qualities they create. They can help convey meaning and mood in a writer's work. They give poems a musical quality (make music) and help to emphasize important ideas or words.

Supplementary Materials
T-Chart-Copies for Student and Smartboard file or transparency of the graphic organizer
"Put a Little Love in Your Heart" sheet music-Highlighted text for ESL student
Recording of the song
Index Cards 
Pocket Chart with Sentence Strips

Lesson Sequence
1. Content/language objectives-Write on white board and have a student read orally.  Discuss and clarify objectives verbally with class.
2. SW read the board to compare and contrast examples of alliterations and share with a shoulder partner what they find is similar and different about these examples. Compare and contrast examples of consonance and share with a partner.
Link to background experiences: Have you ever been able to remember the name of a person, place, or thing because of the way that it sounds when you say it?  It is memorable because of the use of a sound device. Possible answers could relate to functions such as: Song lyrics, speeches, poems, advertisements or slogans, and store names.
Links to Past Learning and New Concepts: "Who remembers a warm up that we have performed that involved a composer utilizing alliterations?" Teacher or student will write on the board and then sing.
3.Key Vocabulary Emphasized:
Use the T-chart to introduce the words alliteration and consonance to use for guided practice. Use graphic organizer (SmartBoard) to write and record examples as a class.  Practice with the examples given on the board and poetry excerpts for clarification as time permits. Have students record their responses on the T-chart. Check for understanding-Thumbs Up, Down, and Middle.
4. Small group  Game and Writing Practice-Alliteration Match-Students are given an index card containing half of an alliteration (it could be taped under their chair prior to the lesson).  They must interact to find the other half of their phrase on another student's index card. When they have found their partner they must read the complete phrase together and be prepared to share with the class.Teacher will model using an index card match and write steps on the board to review with students. Students will also be asked to formulate an alliteration and write on it on the sentence strip. They will practice it together and be prepared to share with the class. 
5.Distribute the music and have a student read the song title orally. What do you notice about the title? Guide the class in finding an alliteration and consonance usage. SW scan the lyrics of the song for alliteration and consonance sound devices used by the composer while listening to a performance of the piece. Add information to the T-chart. Discuss expressive markings such as an accent, dynamics, or variations of tempo as possible elements used by the composer to emphasize these sound devices in lyrics. Discuss the effect of various repeated sounds such as soft sounds like s or sh differ from k or p? Teacher models student suggestions. Guided practice singing the piece together and implementing these distinctions.
7. Review the content and language objectives with Exit Slips. Write an alliteration and one question they have about the lesson that needs to be addressed.
Extension: Use alliteration to describe the following sounds: school hallways between classes, a rainstorm, or traffic on a busy street. Use consonance to create a few word phrases or sentences that describe the sounds and movements of animals such as a chicken, a snake, or a dog.
Discuss the relationship of music consonance to the consonance found in the song.  Determine if the chord structure or melody is consistent with the use of the sound device. Does it remain the same throughout the phrase or does it change? How would this help to create an effect that emphasizes and expresses the text?